About Fort Lauderdale Division

Sponsored by the Fort Lauderdale Council of the Navy League of the United States

The Fort Lauderdale Division of the Naval Sea Cadet Corps is sponsored by the Fort Lauderdale Council of the Navy League of the United States: a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. 

The newly renovated and expanded Mary N. Porter Sea Cadet Training Center is owned and maintained by the Navy League Council.

Visit the Navy League Fort Lauderdale Council Website.

Fort Lauderdale Division Officers and Staff

Commanding Officer: LTJG Rosa Ryan, NSCC

Executive Officer: INST Dan Gately, NSCC

Operations Officer: ENS Michael Ryan, NSCC

Training Officer: LTJG Jim Tobin, NSCC

Admin Officer: INST Melvia Rogers, NSCC

Assistant Admin Officer: INST Marilena Montanez, NSCC

Recruiting Officer: INST Marilena Montana, NSCC

Color Guard Coordinator: INST Randy zimmerman, NSCC

Supply Officer: INST Maria Hernandez, NSCC

Fundraising/Special Events: INST Lynn Atkinson

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