Annual Sea Cadet Enrollment/Renewal The annual enrollment/renewal fee is $110 per cadet. IMPORTANT: If you are new to the Sea Cadet program, please do not make a payment until the application has been processed. To download the the enrollment application please CLICK HERE. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *FirstLastCadet Name(s) *Please list the names of all cadets being enrolled or renewed.Is this cadet a high school senior? *NoYesPlease choose one (Graduating high school students ONLY)January - June (6 months) - $49.50February - June (5 months) - $41.25March - June (4 months) - $33.00April - June (3 months) - $24.75May - June (2 months) - $16.50June only (1 month) - $8.25Replacement ID only (lost ID, not expired) - $10.00Please select one of the following options.Annual Enrollment for One cadetAnnual Enrollment for Two cadetsAnnual Enrollment for Three cadetsReplacement ID OnlyYour Email *Your Phone *Total$0.00Credit Card Detail *CardName on CardSubmit